Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Our College Advance Level Student Master J.John Jerry  participated on the IT MASTERMIND 2014 TV series in priliminary round-Inter school Quiz Competiotion jointly organized by the CSSL and ESOFT with media partner as ITN .

 The TV Series started to telecast on ITN channel every wednesdays  on evening program at 6.30 pm.
IT Mastermind 2014 - Introduction Programme 

Please watch on there for more ...!

Yes.Here you can watch Antonian participation in IT Mastermind-Episode 12 on 03.12.2014.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

“Mahindodaya technological laboratory was declared open by His Excellency the President

The laboratory was opened by the President of SriLanka on the 14th of October 2014.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Scouts Patch Providing Program 2014

 Our batch of Students provided with scouts patch on  08.09.2014 at school Assembly Stage.
                                           Showcase of that event related pictures follows

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Antonians Serviced on Sinnamadu Feast 2014

  Our Scouts & St.johns Ambulance students
 Paticipated and Served on Sinnamadu feast on  05.08.2014

Scouts Flag Landing

 The showcase of student's services on that event follows

Antonians Scouts Team With Incharge Teacher Mr.Henry Reegan
                                                        Happy Sinnamadu Feast Celebration 2014 .....!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Tamil month of July Start up function ( ஆடிப்பிறப்பு) -2014

Today  on 17th of July 2014 celebrated the  Tamil month beginning of July (ஆடிப்பிறப்பு) at our school.
Some of memorable pictures follows here as show case of  the events.

Guest Speaker

கலாநிதி .Kanakasabapathy  Nageswaran,Senior Lecturer, Sabragamuva University.
Honoured By Vice Principal
Thanks  giving  Speech 

Also students & teachers prepared and  drinked the  liquid food(ஆடிக்கூழ்) as a specific dish related to this event.
           Happy ஆடிப்பிறப்பு -2014Celebrations....!
ஆடிப்பிறப்பு தினம்
ஆடிப்பிறப்பு தினம்
ஆடிப்பிறப்பு தினம்

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Annual Prize Day 2014 for the academic year of 2013

   The annual  prize day ceremony for the academic year of  2013
      celebrated on 08th Of July 2014.
Welcoming Guest

National Flag landing with Anthem

School Flag landing with Anthem

Welcoming Session With a student's dance Performance

Lightning the traditional oil lamp by Chief Guest

Lightning the traditional oil lamp by Rector


 Speech Given by Chief Guest
Mr. Sathasivam Amirthalingam
President , Jaffna National College of Education

Showcase Of Awards On stage

Best Teacher Award 2013 Given to Mr.L.I.Rohan

Best Student Award 2013 Given to Master Selvaratnam Selvathas

Also other  studuents also honoured with certificates and gift vouchers

Memorial Award to the Chief Guest

Students' Musical  Performance

Student's drama Performance
Staffs of the School-2014

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Antonians College Day 2014

Our College day festival  going to celebrate on  tommorow (13.06.2014)
with Kayts St. Antony's Church Festival.
                           Therefore  already swimming ,Marathon & games between students & Staffs  competitions conducted in order to make the college day.


@ Kayts Jetty For Swimming Competitions